Cover Basket

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Cover baskets - practical accessories for storing small items

Beautiful covered baskets, which are available in numerous sizes and formats, are suitable for many purposes. For example, they can be used to store balls of wool, yarns and similar items required for handicrafts. In this way, they are always ready to hand. Covered baskets also offer space for many other smaller items. Their great advantage is the fact that the items stored in them are not visible at first glance due to the cover.

From traditional to modern - the materials

At renowned manufacturers, baskets and covered baskets are still woven by hand today. They often consist of natural materials such as wicker, which has been used for generations to make baskets. In the meantime, however, beautiful baskets made of synthetically produced fibers are also available. Some of them even use recycled plastics. By purchasing these baskets, customers make an important contribution to environmental protection and the careful use of natural resources.

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